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<TITLE>SimpleEnvelope download page.</TITLE>
<B><FONT COLOR="#AF0000"><FONT SIZE=+3>Welcome
to SimpleEnvelope.</FONT></FONT></B>
<P><FONT SIZE=+1>SimpleEnvelope is a shareware FileMaker Pro database file
designed to provide an easy way to store mailing addresses and to find
and print them onto common #10 envelopes. Also supports 3.5 x 6.5 envelopes,
4 x 5.5 labels, Avery 5160, 5161, and 5162 labels, and POSTNET barcodes.</FONT>
<P><FONT SIZE=+1>SimpleEnvelope requires FileMaker Pro version 3.0 or greater.</FONT>
<P><FONT SIZE=+1>If you have a specific envelope or label size requirement
please contact <A HREF="mailto:Virgil<mac@pemail.net>">me</A>.</FONT>
<P><IMG SRC="simpleenvelope.gif" BORDER=0 HEIGHT=282 WIDTH=446>
<P><U><FONT SIZE=+1>Notes:</FONT></U>
<P><FONT SIZE=+1>The program will prompt you to change your Page Setup
settings. To print envelopes correctly the paper size must be set to the
equivalent of envelope common #10.</FONT>
<P><FONT SIZE=+1>The return address is a global field and needs to be entered
only once. If you are using letterhead stationery, leave this field blank.</FONT>
<P><FONT SIZE=+1>Records are created by using the "New" button.</FONT>
<P><FONT SIZE=+1>Record groups can be used to group specific records. Record
group names are created by selecting "Edit" in the Record Group field and
entering names as a vertical list in the box that appears. It is a good
idea to leave a blank name for records that do not belong to a group.</FONT>
<P><FONT SIZE=+1>To find a specific address or record group, use the "Find"
button. Enter the search criteria in the layout that appears and either
hit the "Find" button again or press the return key on the keyboard.</FONT>
<P><FONT SIZE=+1>Clicking on the rolling index card image will scroll through
multiple found records.</FONT>
<P><FONT SIZE=+1>To print multiple records, select "Records being browsed"
from the FileMaker Pro options in the print dialog box that appears after
you hit the "Print" button.</FONT>
<P><FONT SIZE=+1>Custom messages can be stored in the "Message" field and
will print in the bottom left of the envelope.</FONT>
<P><FONT SIZE=+1>POSTNET compliant barcodes can be generated and printed
along with the addresses. To generate POSTNET codes, run the "Set POSTNET
Zip" script in the Script pull-down menu. This script will read the zip
codes in your address fields and copy them into the "Barcode Zip" field.
It is recommended that you check the enties in the Barcode Zip field for
correctness since some of the zip codes may not resolve correctly. Incorrect
entries can be edited. After you are certain the Barcode Zip fields are
correct run the script "Set Barcode" in the Script pull-down menu. This
will generate the actual barcodes and store them internally for printing.</FONT>
<P><FONT SIZE=+1>Delivery point barcodes can be generated by appending
two digits to the zip code in the Barcode Zip field before running the
"Set Barcode" script. The two digits are normally the last two digits of
the street address, post office box, rural route number, or highway contract
route number. Check with your post office for details. For example, if
the address is 76 Main Street at a zip code of 10001-3289, the Barcode
Zip field should contain 10001-3289-76. Hyphens are used for readability
but can be omitted. Do not embed any spaces.</FONT>
<P><U><FONT COLOR="#000000"><FONT SIZE=+1>Important:</FONT></FONT></U>
<P><FONT SIZE=+1>In order for the barcodes to work properly you must have
a Postnet font installed on your system. SimpleEnvelope has been preset
to work with a Postnet font called Postal Uzi. This font is available as
shareware. For your convenience, a copy of the Postal Uzi shareware package
has been included. To install this font, open the Postal Uzi folder and
drag the "Postal Uzi (TT)" font suitcase into the Fonts folder in your
System Folder. Restart your computer. If you decide to keep using the Postal
Uzi font please pay the shareware fee separately to the author of the font
package. See the Readme in the font package for instructions.</FONT>
<P><U><FONT COLOR="#000000"><FONT SIZE=+1>Version history:</FONT></FONT></U>
<P><FONT SIZE=+1>Version 1.1 adds support for Avery labels and has improved
import and export functions.</FONT>
<P><FONT SIZE=+1>Version 1.2 adds support for POSTNET barcodes.</FONT>
<P><U><FONT SIZE=+1>Cost:</FONT></U>
<P><FONT SIZE=+1>The cost is US $10 for a single-user and US $50 for a
multi-user serial number.</FONT>
<P><FONT SIZE=+1>Thank you for trying this software.</FONT>
<P><FONT SIZE=+1>Please direct questions and comments to <A HREF="mailto:Virgil<mac@pemail.net>">Virgilio
de Carvalho<mac@pemail.net></A>.</FONT>